Monday, August 18, 2008

my english is good!! (good-gooder-goodest)

yes! I real real consider that english my is good

example, when I talking talking to people that understand english, they understand only...
so, now I very trust self if english my can for search working

I can working as a guide tourists
I can be vocalist band that singing western songs and say say in english
I can be actor in a film that need many word word english
I can be a teacher that teach many eye subject for student student my

if you search people that can say say english
you is find someone that very clever...ME !!!!!

i am sorry,
i have price tall...maybe you need competition with people others that want me


i am clever! no one that win me

i am say in english is the goodest all the world

life me! life me!


1 comment:

  1. iya.. sumpah wang! british lo cihuy banged! saking krennya ni mata ampe kudu nge-zoom dulu! ampe berdzikir alith wang.. subhanallah, subhanallah, subhanallah.. ancurnya!
    awang emg good, gooder, goodest, ampe gudeg jg skalian,, uuh.. enak tuh wang!
    awang emg te-o-pe be-ge-te,, awang klo ngjarin bhs inggris psti bgs! tp lbh bgs lg klo awang diem ajah.. kesian anak2 yg ntar diajarin, slaen bs bkin ayan mendadak, dicurigai ajaran bhs inggris awang bs menghancurkan peradaban manusia dlm sekejab! jd dimohon awang.. alith ga mau dinosaurus balik lagih, jd mdgn awang duduk anteng aj y smbil mingkem..
